Customer Service : + 976 7016 0055

Primary backbone network provider in Mongolia

Connected Highway

Our Services

The primary backbone Internet provider in Mongolia

Private Line

The primary backbone network provider in Mongolia. Reliable terrestrial long-haul route between Euro - Asia.

High speed internet

Redundant connectivity at major IXs.
Become a part of 90% of the domestic internet market.

Dark Fiber Lease

Practically tested promising
The fastest recovery service.

About Us

Primary backbone network provider in Mongolia​

Gemnet LLC is established in August 2008 to operate in the field of international and local information and communication networks and is the FIRST NATIONAL INFORMATION COMMUNICATION NETWORK OF MONGOLIA.

 Gemnet owns and operates a 2*24 strand terrestrial fiber optic cables have 1,199km long DWDM network automatic shielded with SNCP and optical line along the railway from the Southern border of Mongolia to the northern border. It is based on 400Gb, 4Tb DWDM system and SDH 2.5Gb, OTN 10G has 99,9% reliable transmission networks that meet international and telecommunication standards with high-capacity telecommunications infrastructure.

Let's Use Our Service

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Reliable terrestrial long-haul route between Euro - Asia

Gemnet is available to all corners of the World

Gemnet LLC owns a network system with 1199km long along the railway from the southern border to the northern border of Mongolia, DWDM network with SNCP and (1+1) optical line automatic protection, 400Gb, 4Tb capacity, fully meets international information and communication standards and 99.9% reliable operation DWDM transmission network.

Call Us Now For Connect High Speed Internet

+976 7016 0055

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